Sunday 12 June 2011

a long overdue tribute

as mentioned in my 1st post, the last 5 years i've been through many trials - family, work, relationship, etc. every time i encounter something so great that it consumes me, i turn to my faith to see me through. i've not reached the stage when i can be at total peace and trust in God fully but i really am learning to let go and let God. in retrospect, i realize why God said "no" to some of my prayers and i really do see His work in my life even though i am not the most deserving of His blessings. But, that's how He is so awesome.  it is by His Grace that we are made worthy.

there were so many encouraging words that i came across in my difficulties and here are some i would like to share:

- in my most recent life challenge, i've been waiting and waiting for an answer for a really long time. then i read the daily email from Joel Osteen's and i was very encouraged by it

“Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today...the LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still” Exodus 14:13-14

how i interpreted it was God did not bring me this far just to abandon me and what i should do is to be still and trust in his deliverance. i am the most paranoid person i know, i worry about countless things and it is impossible for me to be at peace when i am facing a difficulty. this passage came at the right time, reminded me not to give up hope and that everything will be done in His perfect timing and He will not be late. i now realized He caused the delayed response so that I will learn this lesson and also for me to spend more time at home with my family and friends.

- "God meets even our simplest, most basic needs with extravagant generosity" This was the theme of a daily Catholic meditation for the passage when Jesus blessed the disciples a record catch of fish when He suggested they try His method after they failed to catch anything.  Because of their obedience and willingness to follow, God blessed them with abundance. One must be careful to interpret this. God's abundance may not be in the prosperity, tangible sense. His blessings of intangible things such as character can also be abundant in nature.

- those who follow Rick Warren's sermons will know that he names a verse in the bible as the SOS hotline. "call upon me in the day of trouble, i will deliver you, and you will honor me" Psalm 50:15

this is one of my favorite verse as well. what i've learned about praying is to gently remind God of the promises He gave us. not that God is forgetful, but that you are breathing life into His words when you activate them and put them to the right use. See, God wants to bless us, but we need to ask him for the blessings we want. be specific, be persistent. okay, i'll admit i'm not always praying consistently. there are time s when i find myself in trouble and i will pray this verse and God will see me through what i ask of him. answer may not always be immediate (i waited 2 years for my help), so be patient.

As a Catholic, there are several novenas that I hold dear to my heart. i am not going to debate the notion of asking saints to help us pray (we do NOT pray TO saints), i think that is not the point i am trying to make. The novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the novena to St Jude are 2 prayers I've been saying since 5 years ago when my papa was ill. i'll pray these prayers when i wake up and will go beyond the recommended 9 times. i've said these prayers many times after that and i know i will continue to say them for the years to come.

So what i want to say is thank You God, for the blessings you've given me, thank You for the trials which have molded my character and drawn me closer to you. continue to bless my loved ones and i pray i never lose sight of you.

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